Yeedi K600 vs K650 vs K700: Which Vacuum is Best?

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If you’re looking for a budget robot vacuum with good power, then the Yeedi robot vacuums might be right for you. Made by Ecovacs, this is a more affordable line that brings those standard Ecovacs features you’re expecting at a lower price. With three models you have to wonder which is the best: Yeedi K600 robot vacuum cleaner, Yeedi K650, or Yeedi K700.

We are going to compare all three to see which is the best bang for your buck. We’ll be comparing these in navigation, hard floors, carpets, battery life, and software.

Yeedi K600Yeedi K650Yeedi K700


If you’re new to automated vacuums, then you might think that they can just easily map your home and go where the dirt is. Unfortunately, while some vacuums can do this, more affordable units usually can’t. So, what does the navigation look like with Yeedi K600 vs K650 vs K700?

The Yeedi K600 robot vacuum cleaner and Yeedi K650 robot vacuum cleaner both have “random” navigation, like with Eufy RoboVac 25C vs 30C. This is more commonly called bounce or bump navigation. It means that the vacuum picks a direction and goes that way until it hits an object. The vacuum will then change direction and go that way until it bounces into something.

That may not sound efficient, but it actually works well enough to clean a whole room. You can also set them to edge cleaning mode. This means the K600 and K650 will seek out the wall and will clean along the edge.

The Yeedi K700 robot vacuum cleaner is the most expensive of the lot and that goes towards better features. This vacuum comes with camera navigation and mapping. It can see nearby objects and avoid them. It will also clean in neat rows and can even memorize routes around your home.

If you have open spaces and only a few rooms, then the Yeedi K600 and Yeedi K650 are both fine. If you have many objects in the way and more rooms, then we recommend the Yeedi K700 for its better navigation.

Yeedi K600

Hard Floors

Most people look at power to see how well a vacuum can clean, but power doesn’t entirely matter with hard floors. Think of a broom. You don’t need much power to use a broom, but it cleans hard floors great all the same.

The Yeedi K600 uses a nylon rolling brush on hard floors that effectively picks up debris, dust, and pet hair. The Yeedi K650 has a similar but somewhat better silicone brush. Both don’t tangle up from pet hair, but the K650’s brush seems to have an easier time picking up dirt. Lastly, the Yeedi K700 has a V-shaped brush that gets deep into cracks and crevices that other vacuums have a hard time reaching.

We should also bring up the dustbin as well. Both the K600 and K700 have a 600ml dustbin. This is quite good and should collect a lot of debris before you need to empty it. Surprisingly, the biggest dustbin belongs to the K650, which can collect 800ml of debris.

This is a toss up between the K700’s better performance and the K650’s larger dustbin. While the K600 is the lowest of the three, it’s not by a significant margin. It will still clean your hard floors quite well and should be fine for everyday vacuuming.

Yeedi K650


Here’s where power comes into play. You need a strong motor to get deep into the carpet and suck up all the dirt and debris in the fibers. Stronger motors are best here, especially if you have thicker carpeting.

Let’s talk about motor strength. The K600 Yeedi has a 1500Pa motor. That’s respectable and will do well on many short and medium carpets. Both the K650 and K700 have 200Pa motors, which is better for medium-to-thick carpets.

All three have 15-degree climbing, which makes it easy to go from hard floors to rugs or carpets, and can sense the difference between hard floors and carpets. This allows them to increase power as needed based on the surface. There are also adjustable power modes on both the K650 and K700 that allows you to only use as much power as needed.

It’s once again a toss up between Yeedi K650 vs K700. We would say that K700’s better navigation and brushes make it better at cleaning the carpet, but the K650 offers similar performance with a larger dustbin.

Yeedi K700

Yeedi K700 vs K650 vs K600: Battery Life

Every modern robot vacuum has a rechargeable battery that allows it to roam around your home and clean the floors. The robo vacuum should make its way back to the charging base when its battery runs low. This allows it to continuously clean your home without prematurely dying in the middle of a room (though this sometimes happens even with the best vacuums).

In terms of pure minutes between Yeedi K600 vs K700, both of these last 110 minutes before needing to recharge. While they both last the same amount of time, we want to saw that K700 is somewhat better because it lasts longer even with its stronger suction. This allows it to do a little more work than the K600.

Once again, the surprising winner here is the Yeedi 650. It lasts 130 minutes, even though it has the same powerful motor as the K700. While it’s only 20 minutes more, this is a close competition and every advantage matters.

Yeedi K600 vs K650 vs K700: Software and Features

Many of the earliest robot vacuums didn’t have apps or accessible software features. Instead, they had a remote control so that you could guide the vacuum, and they also use the bounce navigation that is still common in affordable models. Since these are budget robot vacuums, you might be wondering what features you get.

The most affordable Yeedi K600 robot vacuum cleaner doesn’t have an associated app, so you can’t control it with your phone. It instead comes with a remote for manual operation and for switching the modes. While it does have some automated features, like changing strength based on hard floor or carpet, it’s quite limited in terms of features.

You might expect the Yeedi K700 robot vacuum cleaner to have an app and voice integration since it’s the most expensive vacuum here and has camera navigation, but it actually joins the K600 with its remote control. You can choose the strength and between several modes, but this is surprising to see.

What about Yeedi K650 robot vacuum cleaner? Yes, this one comes with an app and voice recognition with Alexa. The app allows you to schedule cleaning routines, see where the vacuum is, adjust the suction mode, and it also gives you important information about battery life and accessory usage. The K650 Yeedi is also compatible with boundary strips, which keeps it from going in certain areas (like areas with wires or other obstacles).

When it comes to Yeedi K700 vs K650 vs K600, we have to give the win to the K650 here. It’s the only one with an app, Alexa integration, and advanced features. The other two are straightforward, which is nice, but the K650 easily wins this category.

What’s the Difference Between Yeedi K600 vs K650 vs K700?

Yeedi K600

  • Yeedi K600 vs K650: more affordable, similar performance on hard floors
  • Yeedi K600 vs K700: more affordable, similar on hard floors, same battery life

Yeedi K650

  • Yeedi K650 vs K600: app controls, better on carpets, better battery life, larger dustbin
  • Yeedi K650 vs K700: more affordable, app controls, similar on hard floors and carpets, better battery life, larger dustin.

Yeedi K700

  • Yeedi K700 vs K600: more powerful, better on carpets, better navigation
  • Yeedi K700 vs K650: somewhat better on carpets, better navigation
Yeedi K600Yeedi K650Yeedi K700

Final Thoughts

So, who is the overall winner? While it’s the middle in terms of price, we have to say that the Yeedi K650 is the best. It’s as powerful as the K700, has the biggest dustbin of all three, the best battery life, and app controls. If you’re looking for the lowest price, then consider the Yeedi K600. If you want the best navigation, then the Yeedi K700 is right for you.